
Grandfather's Century is an interactive film in which the viewer decides the story that the characters tell.

The story is set in the future and deals with the period 1994-2100. In an interview setting, the grandson (Sam Van Zoest) attempts to find out why the world has changed so much. Grandfather (Eugen Zomer) tells the story, guided by the viewer.

The film is written and directed by Sam van Zoest. Director of Photography is Serhan Meewisse. A full list of credits is available here.

The film consists of forty different scenes and incorporates divergent end scenarios. Click on the storytree for an enlargement.

With this film we try to approach the climate problem in an innovative way. The viewer is confronted with different visions of the future and which actions can lead to them. If you are inspired by us, want to share something or get to know us better, we would love to hear from you. Send us an e-mail at info [at] eeuwvanmijnopa.nl [dot] nl. Sharing the film and trailer through social media is also appreciated!


• Screening: Festival du Film Vert (01/04/2023)

• Screening and Q&A: De Mus Amsterdam (13/01/2023)

• Screening and Q&A: BNP Paribas Green Film Festival (20/08/2022)

• Screening and Q&A: Zero Waste Week (03/07/2022)

• Screening and Q&A: Theater De Koornbeurs (05/03/2022)

• Presentation: Utrecht University: B&I Symposium: How do we involve citizens with important policy issues? (27/02/2022)

• Screening and Q&A: De Mus Amsterdam (25/11/2020)

• Masterclass: AGREEn: Visualizing societal issues (10/05/2021)

Sam van Zoest presents Grandfather's Century at De Mus Amsterdam. Photo: Annick Sickinghe.


• Filmhub Oost: Interview for Webinar Film and Climate (27/03/2024)

• Good IT '23: Scientific article - Changing Your Future?: An Experimental Study on the Persuasive Effects of an Interactive Climate Change Documentary (September 2023)

• BNP Paribas Green Film Festival: Grandfather's Century wins award for Best Film by a Young Artist (19/08/2022)

• Het Parool: Met deze interactieve film bepaal je zelf wat er met het klimaat gebeurt (30/10/2020)

• Trouw: De nieuwe film van Sam van Zoest speelt in het jaar 2100: ‘Ik moet straks uitleggen hoe het zat met die goedkope vliegreisjes’ (06/11/2020)

• Groninger Gezinsbode: Film Sam van Zoest dwingt na te denken over de toekomst (11/11/2020)

• Idealisten | de podcast: #8 De toekomst | Sam van Zoest & Annemiek (12/11/2020)

• Milieudefensie: 25 kijk- lees- en luistertips (voor jong en oud) over het klimaat (07/12/2020)

For press inquiries, contact info [at] eeuwvanmijnopa [punt] nl.